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重要通知 | 上财iMBA项目2020年第二批次入学考试|招生信息|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx

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重要通知 | 上财iMBA项目2020年第二批次入学考试|招生信息|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx
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重要通知 | 上财iMBA项目2020年第二批次入学考试|招生信息|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx

Application for Graduate Admission Campus Location: Shanghai Intended term of enrollment: Spring II Year: 2021 PERSONAL INFORMATION Family Name / Surname First / Given Name Gender:  Male PRC Resident ID No. or Passport: No.: Date of Birth: / Month / Day  Female Country of Citizenship: Year Home Address: City: State: Home Phone:( ) Cell Phone:( Zip: Country: ) Email: EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION List all the universities, colleges and postsecondary institutions attended in chronological order with the most recent first (use an additional sheet if necessary): University Name Degree Graduate Time 1. 2. 3. EMPLOYMENT Are you employed full-time?  □Yes □ No Employer: Employer’s Address: City State Signed: Zip Country Date: Signature of Applicant Month/Date/Year It is the policy of Webster University not to discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, color, creed, age, ethnic or national original or non-disqualifying handicap, as required by federal laws and regulations, including Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments. Full / Part Time
