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附件 1 (Attachment1): 2018 年国家留学基金委“优秀来华留学生奖学金”(本科) Application form for 2018 CSC Distinguished International Students Scholarship (Undergraduate) 姓名/Name 学院/College 学号/Student No 年级/Grade 国籍 /Nationality 护照号码/Passport No 联系方式 手 机 /Cellphone 邮 箱 /E-mai l 学习情况/ Status of Study: 参加社会公益和社会实践情况/ Summary of social practice: 获奖情况和其他/ Summary of rewards& Other Information: 个人申请/ Personal application: 本人在此声明此申请表上所述内容及所提交之文件均真实有效。 I confirm that all the information I fill in and the materials I submit are valid. 签名/Signature 日期/Date 院系意见/ Views of school : 签字盖章 年 月 日 注/Notes: 1、该表格中文或英文填写,所填写的内容均为本学年内的情况/This form should be filled in Chinese or English, all of your information should be in current academic year. 2、本表应附留学生个人情况说明、成绩表、发表论文情况证明等材料/You should also attach your personal statement, transcript, papers and other proof materials.
