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Developing Materials that Present Mathematics Through Applications and Modeling In this piece I will describe some of the work in mathematics education of the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP). In particular, I will focus on the development, review, and dissemination of curriculum modules that teach mathematics through contemporary applications and models. And I will describe this process in the hope that similar activities can be undertaken here in China. I want to begin by describing a little of my own personal journey into the world of mathematical modeling and applications and then tell about my work in education over the past 35 years and some ideas for promoting similar activities here. I am a professionally trained research mathematician. My PhD was in mathematical logic with a focus on decision problems for algebraic theories. It is fair to say that when I began teaching at Cornell University I had no experience with mathematical modeling and little appreciation for applications other than the classical examples in analysis. I began my teaching career at the tender age of 24. Like many young professors I quickly found myself frustrated by my students’ lack of interest and inability to see the beauty that I saw in the subject. As a consequence I started to become involved in a number of new programs in mathematics education, in particular ones involving applications. This was in the late 60’s/early 70’s. This was a time of very heavy federal investment in math and science education, as we were in the post-Sputnik era. To explain: funding in the U.S. for education in general and STEM education in particular tends to follow some kind of political shock. Sputnik provided that shock in the late 50’s with a fear that the USSR would out strip the U.S. as the leader in scientific and technological development. Hence a great deal of money was spent to educate the next generation of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. I was a beneficiary of this largesse, along with many others, having my graduate education completely paid for and not having to serve in the army during the Vietnam War. The next wave of strong funding for STEM education came in the early to mid-80’s with the fear that Japan, inc. was going to overtake the U.S. economy. The current heavy investment in education comes in part from the poor U.S. showing on international comparisons such as the PISA and TIMMS surveys and in part because of our fear of China. In between these surges in public monetary support there has been what can best be described as benign neglect. Unless there is a perceived crisis or threat, the U.S. tends to ignore education on the national level, leaving it to state and local governance. But back to my story. By the mid to late 70’s I had become involved in a number of major education projects. These mostly involved groups of mathematicians and physicists writing curriculum materials at the undergraduate level. I should mention that most of the federally supported education efforts up until 1984 were at the college level, leaving the K-12 efforts to the individual states and school districts. The problem with projects of these sorts, i.e. groups of individuals writing curriculum is that they are expensive and they are limited by the expertise of the people in the room. In 1976 I had a different idea – one that led to the UMAP (Undergraduate Mathematics and its Applications) Project. The idea for this project is simple and powerful. I should mention that at the time, mathematics instruction in the States was quite orthodox. Entering freshmen saw 3 or even 4 semesters of calculus and analysis followed by differential equations, linear and modern algebra, and then more advanced calculus and straight line topology. With the exception of classical mechanics and physics there were essentially no applications or modeling as part of the curriculum. But that is not to say that there weren’t instructors who were adding modeling examples to their curricula – there certainly were. It is just that these examples were not to be found in the traditional textbooks. Moreover, there was very little sharing of educational ideas and resources. Each classroom was a fiefdom unto itself. The faculty member in the next classroom was unlikely to know what their colleagues were doing, let alone those in another city or state. So the simple idea behind UMAP was to share. We began by making a call. We asked all of the mathematics faculty in the country to send us examples of their best applications based lessons – material they themselves were teaching and in most cases material that they themselves wrote. As these were pre email days, our solicitations were by regular mail and by articles in the mathematics education journals and by presentations at meetings of professional societies. We were quite amazed by the results. We received thousands of lessons from around the country. Of course these were in a wide variety of formats and of varying degrees of polish and competency. So, we understood that we needed to create a common format and review, edit, and revise the materials. I should also say that not surprisingly, many of the initial lessons were about applications of calculus and differential equations. So we began with some of the calculus materials and created our first UMAP modules. I should also point out that one very early decision was the grain size of a module. We decided that the standard size would be what could be accomplished in one onehour class period, so that these modules were conceived as single classroom lessons complete with prerequisite lists, student material and advice for the teacher. One reason for this decision was that, as I’ve mentioned, the U.S. curriculum was quite conventional at this time. Teachers were certainly not going to adopt full new modeling courses. Any introduction of modeling was seen as taking time away from the important work of mathematics. But a single lesson using an interesting and current application could find its way to students if the instructor was interested. In a way it was an evolutionary rather than revolutionary approach to change. There were several other important decisions made. First, as to the scope of the project, we considered any piece of mathematics generally taught to undergraduates fair game. So the modules ranged from rather simple to quite advanced topics. Secondly, all of the modules were heavily peer-reviewed. This was a very unique idea at the time, the notion of peer review for educational material. This peer review had a number of purposes. The first, of course, was to insure the quality and accuracy of the materials from the point of view of both the mathematical content and the area of application. Moreover, our emphasis was on ‘contemporary’ applications and models, so we enlisted content experts to attest to the fact that these models were currently in use by practitioners in the field. Another reason for our extensive review was to involve more people, to spread our net as widely as possible. Not everyone could be an author, but most college faculty could be reviewers. By over reviewing manuscripts we were able to involve a larger network of people in the project and give them a sense of ownership in the work. But this review process gave birth to another unique aspect of the UMAP Project, namely the UMAP Journal. Large curriculum development projects to this point had a very finite goal, i.e. the creation of a course or set of courses and the texts and resources needed to teach them. But we understood that there was no ‘full’ set of applications and models of mathematics. New uses of old mathematics were being found every day and new mathematical ideas were being discovered to allow us to model things we had been unable to do before. UMAP needed to be a dynamic project that could continue far into the future. But this wasn’t the funding model that was in place. The National Science Foundation (NSF) is the U.S. government agency charged with funding STEM education and research. NSF projects are funded as start-ups, i.e. money is given to begin a project, but not for sustaining one over the long run. So if UMAP were to continue to produce new curriculum materials teaching applications and modeling we needed a source of continuing support. Realizing this we understood that we couldn’t simply pay authors to write materials as was typically done with such projects. Moreover, we wanted this work on curriculum development to be honored by the university reward system. In other words, we wanted faculty who worked with us to be respected and perhaps even promoted based on this work. To do this we decided to embed the work within the framework of the academy and hence we created the UMAP Journal as a peer reviewed publication. From the beginning the Journal contained articles about applications, about the teaching of applications, and included the actual student modules. This was a total departure from any existing journals at the time as well as a completely new way to deliver curriculum. And just like any other professional journal no authors or reviewers were paid, even when the grant had significant funding. The measure of our success is that the funding of the UMAP project from NSF ended in 1984 and this year marks the 34th year of publication of the UMAP Journal. At it’s height it had 1500 individual subscribers and went to 500 university libraries, approximately a third of all college libraries in the U.S. And most importantly we had grown a network of thousands of users and developers. As we developed the journal and the modules we realized that this work needed a home of its own. We made the decision to create an independent organization rather than align with one particular university. And so COMAP was born as a not for profit company, the U.S. name for an NGO, in 1980. COMAP’s stated goal was and is to promote the teaching of mathematics through contemporary applications and mathematical modeling. The UMAP program and later the Mathematical Competition in Modeling (MCM) are our primary undergraduate activities. During the early 80’s as COMAP was in its infancy the U.S. investment in STEM education effectively disappeared. These were the early days of the Reagan presidency and the government position could be summed up be, “ We have spent a lot of money in the past to improve mathematics education. Students don’t seem to be any better at math than they were before. Clearly spending money doesn’t help – therefore we should stop”. And they did. Having just become independent meant having to pay our own rent, electric bill, and salaries. These were testing times. Fortunately, we were able to secure a sizeable grant from the Annenberg Foundation to create a television course for entering freshmen in liberal arts mathematics, called For All Practical Purposes. This was a substantial project which created 26 halfhour videos showing students how mathematics was being used and contained many interesting applications and models, many taken from discrete mathematics. Fortunately for the young COMAP at about this time a series of quite strong reports were released including one entitled “A Nation at Risk” which essentially said that while the U.S. had the strongest college and graduate programs in the world, our K-12 programs were a disaster. These reports had the desired effect and beginning in 1984 federal money began to come back into education, almost entirely at the pre-college level. And so COMAP began a series of projects to produce curriculum modules at the secondary school level. As you may know, up until now we have never had a national examination in the U.S. As a consequence there has been more flexibility in the high school mathematics curricula than in many other countries. There is also a strong tradition of local control, so that even schools in close geographical proximity may have very different course structures and content. On the other hand, high school teachers do not usually have the same level of autonomy as college faculty. Nonetheless, we did a good deal of high school work with projects entitled: HiMap (for high school modules in general), GeoMap (for modules in geometry), HistoMap (for modules which dealt with the history of applications), TechMap (modules which presented mathematical models in technical fields) and ResurceMap (a project which produced contextualized assessment material). By 1989, a K-12 reform movement took hold with the publication of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards. NCTM is the national professional society of precollege teachers. These standards talked for the first time about teaching mathematics through applications. We were no longer on the outside looking in – we were now part of the mainstream. NSF quickly recognized that new curricula were needed to implement these standards and major curriculum projects were funded at the elementary, middle and high school levels. COMAP was fortunate enough to receive a 5-year grant to create a modeling based high school program which we called, Mathematics:Modeling Our World. This represented a quite large swing of the pendulum away from the traditional basic skills curriculum. And it generated a severe backlash from a clique of university mathematicians. Something dubbed the “Math Wars” ensued and eventually the NCTM standards were abandoned in favor of a more conservative approach. But all is not lost. The new Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSSM) does make a point of listing mathematical modeling as an essential mathematical practice. I think that it is fair to say that modeling is here to stay at both the K-12 level and at the tertiary level. In fact, if one needed proof, we have of late had to work hard to get new articles to fill the UMAP Journal. And the reason is that almost all of the mathematical journals today look for and are happy to publish application and modeling articles. When UMAP began we were the only peer-reviewed journal that accepted these articles. Now we are in competition with more established and prestigious journals. Good for us. I mentioned at the beginning that I would address the issue of whether something like UMAP could happen here. I honestly believe that it could and should. What made UMAP work, in my opinion, was a cohort of young dedicated mathematicians and educators who wanted to make positive change. In the late 60’s when I received my Ph.D there were about 1500 mathematics degrees granted. This era represented the first time that the top 20 universities no longer had enough room to hire their own graduates. As a consequence many highly trained and idealistic young faculty got teaching positions in smaller less prestigious universities with more emphasis on teaching than research. They were hungry for something more to do and it was the 60’s and we all wanted to change the world. It was their dedication and talent that made UMAP and ultimately COMAP successful. I see similar energy and enthusiasm here in China. And for what it is worth I look forward to working with you, my Chinese colleagues, in any way you feel might be helpful to insure that applications and mathematical modeling have a happy home in Chinese mathematics education
