本科成绩等级证明 (2014版).doc
证明 Certificate 兹证明湖南大学教务处所采用的学生成绩评分系统。 This is to certify that in the grading system adopted by the Academic Affairs Office, Hunan University. The following equivalences apply: 五级分制 Five-point scale 五级制等级 Five level scale A 优秀 Excellent B 良好 Very good C 两级制等级 Two level scale 绩点 GP 百分制、 Marks out of one hundred 平均成绩 Average value 4.5 [90,100] 95 3.5 [80,90) 85 中等 Good 2.5 [70,80) 75 D 及格 Pass 1.5 [60,70) 65 E 不及格 Fail 0 <60 45 合格 Eligibility 不合格 Rejection 备注:如果计算平均成绩则依照平均成绩取值。免修课程计算平均成绩时按 60 分计算。 Note: If necessary, calculate the average scores in accordance with Average value. The average scores of exempt courses are calculated as 60 out of 100. 湖南大学教务处 Academic Affairs Office, Hunan University To authenticate this document, please contact the Academic Affairs Office, Hunan University Tel & Fax: 86-731-88823270 Website: http://jwc.hnu.edu.cn Academic Affairs Office, Room 104, Executive Building, Hunan University, Changsha, P. R. China 410082