1(6) DFG National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) APPLICATION FORM FOR CHINESE-GERMAN JOINT RESEARCH PROJECT GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1. Name of the collaborative project: 2. Name of the responsible Chinese Principle Investigator(s): 3. Name of the responsible German Principle Investigator(s): 4. Sum applied for from NSFC (RMB): 5. Sum applied for from DFG (EUR): 6. Primary theme of project: 7. Secondary themes of the project: 8. www home pages of project (if different from that of the persons in charge): 9. Key words, separated by comma: 10. A summary description of project (public, max. 25 lines at 65 character per line, minimum type size 10): 11. Degrees to be earned within the project during funding period: Name Year of birth Year of earning Master´s degree Sex M/F Site of supervision of degree, graduate school and supervisor Degree Estimated year of earning it 2(6) APPLICANTS Chinese partner 12. Family name of person in charge of project/unit: 13. Given names: 14. Sex: 15. Date of birth: 16. Degrees, and dates and sites of earning them: 17. University, research institute or other research site: 18. Department: 19. Address of site of research: 20. Postcode and postal area: 21. Telephone: 22. Fax: 23. E-mail: 24. possible www home page of person in charge of project/unit: 25. Other contact data: 26. Title and grant number of on-going NSFC’s project: 3(6) German partner 27. Family name of person in charge of project/unit: 28. Given names: 29. Sex: 30. Date of birth: 31. Present post or duty: 32. Degrees, and dates and sites of earning them: 33. Docentships, year of appointment and university: 34. University, research institute or the like: 35. Department or the like: 36. Address of site of research: 37. Postcode and postal area: 38. Telephone/work: 39. Fax: 40. E-mail: 41. Possible www home page of person in charge of project/unit: 42. Other contact data: 4(6) FUNDING APPLIED FOR FROM NSFC 43. Travel costs and local living expenses for three years: Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Total RMB Year 2012 Total RMB International travel costs Local living expenses Sub-Total RMB 44. Workshop and seminar costs for three years: Year 2010 Year 2011 Workshop costs Seminar costs Sub-Total RMB 45. Research costs and other expenses for three years: Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Total RMB Year 2011 Year 2012 Total Research costs Other expenses Sub-Total RMB 46. Total RMB of tables 43-46: Year 2010 Total RMB 5(6) 6(6) FUNDING APPLIED FOR FROM DFG 47. Salaries and remunerations plus social charges: Year 2010 Name, degree, job title Salary category Yearly person-mon ths of work salary EUR/ year Year 2011 Year 2012 Total Yearly person-m onths of work Yearly salary person-m EUR/ onths of year work Total personmonths of work salary EUR/ year Sub-Total EUR 48. Other costs: Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Total Year 2012 Total Travel Equipment Instruments Services Other expenses Sub-Total EUR 49. Total EUR of tables 47-49: Year 2010 Total EUR Year 2011 EUR 7(6) SIGNATURES 56.Signatures of responsible principal investigator in each country, dates and places (“I assure that the information I have presented in this application and its appendices is correct and that all the factors essential for the processing of the application have been included. I undertake the responsibility that, in the event that DFG and NSFC grant funding, the funds will be used for the purpose for which they have been granted and that any reports required by DFG and NSFC will be submitted.“) Date and place: Signature: Date and place: Signature: