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硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx

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硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx
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硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master 2020-11-05.docx

硕士研究生学位论文中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination Report for SJTU Master Student 学号 Student ID 姓名 Name 学生类别 Degree Program 学习形式 Study Mode 导师 Supervisor(s) 专业 Major 学院 School 考核日期 Date 选择一项。 选择一项。 上海交通大学硕士论文中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination for SJTU Master Student 一、 中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination Report 论文题目 Thesis Title 请在合适选项前画√ Please select the proper options by “√”. ☐ 国家自然科学基金课题 NSFC Research Grants 研究课题来源 Source ☐ 国家社会科学基金 National Social Science Fund of China of ☐ 国家重大科研专项 National Key Research Projects Research Project ☐ 其它纵向科研课题 Other Governmental Research Grants ☐ 企业横向课题 R&D Projects from Industry ☐ 自拟课题 Self-proposed Project 论文开题日期 Thesis Proposal Date 1、 报告正文 Report。请阐述开题报告以来学位论文研究工作的进展情况及所 取得的阶段性成果,并简述下一阶段研究计划,不少于 4000 汉字。Please summarize your research progress and achievements since your thesis proposal as well as your plan for next step. No less than 3200 words if written in English. 1 上海交通大学硕士论文中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination for SJTU Master Student 2、 成果清单 List of Achievements。请列出开题报告以来或上次年度进展报告以 来新发表的学术论文、授权专利、国际会议论文、专著等成果清单。作者、 标 题 、 杂 志 、 卷 、 期 、 页 码 等 信 息 请 填 写 完 整 。 Please provide a list of academic publications (papers, patents, international academic conference talks/presentations, monographs, etc.) since your thesis proposal. Information on author list, title, journal name, volume, number, and pages shall be complete. 本人承诺:报告中的内容真实无误,若有不实,愿承担相应的责任和后果。 I hereby declare and confirm that the details provided in this Form are valid and accurate. If anything untruthful found, I will bear the corresponding liabilities and consequences. 学生签字/Signature of Student: 日期/Date: 2024-10-12 2 上海交通大学硕士论文中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination for SJTU Master Student 二、中期检查评审 Review of the Mid-term Examination Report (注:通过在线流 程进行时,第二部分不用填写;This section does not need to be filled if the report is submitted through My SJTU.) 1. 课程学习情况 Coursework (本栏由研究生填写,导师负责核对确认 This table shall be filled by the graduate student, and verified by the supervisor.) 培养计划中是否尚有未通过课程?Is there any unpassed course remained in the training plan? ○ 是 Yes ○ 否 No 培养方案要求总学分、GPA 学分 Total credits and GPA credits required by the program 培养计划总学分、GPA 学分 Total credits and GPA credits of the training plan 已修课程总学分、GPA 学分 Total credit and GPA credits acquired hitherto 已修课程 GPA GPA of the finished courses 2. 导师意见 Comments of Supervisor 1) 请 确 认 课 程 学 习 情 况 信 息 的 准 确 性 Please confirm if the information provided in the Coursework section is valid/accurate or not: ○ 准确无误 Valid and accurate ○ 有不确切处 Inaccurate 2) 请综合评价研究生的科研进展、成果水平、治学态度等。Please comment on the progress, achievement, and altitude of the graduate student. 3 上海交通大学硕士论文中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination for SJTU Master Student 签名/Signature: 3. 日期/Date: 专家评审 Committee Review 1) 专家组成员 Review Committee Members 序号 姓名 工号 职 Index Name Work ID 称 工 Title 作 单 位 Affiliation 1 2 3 4 5 秘书 2) 专家组意见 Comments 3) 专家评审结论 Conclusion ○ 通过 Pass ○ 不通过 Fail 专家组长签名/Signature: 4. 日期/Date: 院系审核意见 School Review ○ 通过 Pass ○ 不通过 Fail,建议 Suggested to ○ 建议下学期重来 A second chance in next semester ○ 建议退学 Withdraw from the university 4 本人签名 Signature 上海交通大学硕士论文中期检查报告 Mid-term Examination for SJTU Master Student 主管领导签字 Signature 盖章 Stamp 日期 Date: 说明:中期检查报告评审记录应通过数字交大在线流程系统提交,本表格不存档。特殊情况 下,经研究生院同意,可用此表线下提交;在此情况下,本报告由院系研究生教务办负责存 档,考核结果应在考核完成后一周内报送研究生院。 备注 Remarks: 5
