3.博士个人成果总结报告 Academic Evaluation Report.docx
清华-伯克利深圳学院 博士学术评价报告 Academic Evaluation Report of Ph.D Candidate at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute 姓名 Name ___________ 学号 Student ID ___________ 原交叉学科 Interdisciplinary Subject ___________ 实验室 Laboratory ___________ 归属学科 Belonging Subject ___________ 导师(组)Advisor(s) ___________ 拟毕业时间 Expected Graduate Date ___________ 清华-伯克利深圳学院博士个人 学术成果总结报告 Academic Achievement Report of Individual Ph.D Candidate at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI) 一、在学期间所获各项学术成果介绍 I. Introduction to academic achievements during the academic years of the enrolled program (1)论文或专著发表情况 Publications 请列写在学期间发表的期刊论文和会议论文收录情况、期刊影响因子、会议 论文收录比例,以及专著发表情况,并简要介绍论文选题及成果对学科或产业发 展的作用和意义。 Please list the published journal and conference papers, and monograph during the academic years of the enrolled program, and briefly introduce the impact and significance of the topics and results of the thesis or dissertation to the development of the discipline or industry. (2)参加国际会议或公开演讲情况 Participation in international conferences and public presentation 请简要介绍参加国际会议及公开演讲相关情况,包括参加会议的名称、时间、 演讲地点及主要收获。 Please briefly describe the relevant information for the international conference, including the name, time, location and major achievements of participating in the conference. (3)在学期间参加的科研项目成果 Participation and achievements of scientific research projects during the academic years 请简要介绍在学期间参加的科研项目情况,包括项目名称、内容及所获成果。 Please briefly describe the scientific research projects that you participated during the academic years, including the project name, contents and achievements. (4)所获专利 Patents 请列写在学期间所获专利,并简要介绍专利内容 Please list the granted patents during the academic years and briefly introduce the contents of the patents (5)其 他 在 学 期 间 获 得 的 学 术 成 果 。 Other academic achievements obtained during the academic years 请列写在学期间获得的其他学术成果,例如学术获奖情况、参与相关学术 协会情况、文章评阅经历等。 Please list the other academic results obtained during the academic year, such as academic awards, participation of academic society, reviewer of technical papers. 二、学位论文的主要学术价值和创新性 II. The main academic value and innovation of the dissertation 请简要介绍本人学位论文的主要内容,并详细阐述其主要学术成果和创新 性,以及对学科或产业发展的作用和意义。 Please briefly introduce the main content of the thesis or dissertation, and elaborate on its main academic achievements and innovations, as well as the impact and significance of the thesis or dissertation to the development of the discipline or industry.