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三江学院外国留學生入學申請表 APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SANJIANG UNIVERSITY 護照姓名 護照號碼 Passport Name Passport No. 中文姓名 國籍 Chinese Name Nationality 照片 性別 婚否 Photo Sex Marital Status 出生日期 出生地點 Date of Birth Place of Birth 最后学历 宗教 职业 Religion Occupation Highest Academic Degree Obtained 現在工作或學習單位 Employer or Study Affiliated 永久通讯地址/Permanent Mailing Address: 城市/City………………….……………… 电话/Tel: ……….…………………. 国家/Country………………… .邮编/Zip…………….. 传真/Fax: ……….…………………. E-mail: ……….…………… 目前通讯地址/Current Address If Different From Above 城市/City ………………… 国家/Country………………… .邮编/Zip……………..….... 电话/Tel: ……….…………………. 传真/Fax: ……….…………………. E-mail: ……….…………… 申请学习时间 从/from………年/Y …… 月/M ……日/D Intended Study Duration 到/to ……… 月/M ……日/D 現有漢語水平 请在对应的方框内打勾 Please tick the appropriate box to indicate the number of Chinese words you know. Present level of Chinese A D 年/Y …… None about 2,500 B E about 800 about 3,500 C about 1,500 F about 4,000 1. 非学历教育/None-degree Courses 语言生/Chinese Language Student 来华学习类别(请在对应的方框内打 勾) /Program Intended to Take (Please tick the right box.): 普通进修生(请注明专业)/General Scholar (Advanced Student ) (Please list intended field/specialty of study) 2. 学历教育/Degree Courses 本科生(学制 2—4 年)/Bachelor Courses(two--four years) 汉语言专业/Chinese Language (2—4 年) 其他专业(请注明专业)/Other Specialty (Please list intended field /specialty of study) 个人简历 (从高中开始) CV / Resume(Starting from High School) 在华学习期间經費來源 Financial Support in China 推荐人及推荐机构 Sponsor or recommending party 在華事務擔保人姓名、地址及电话 Guarantor in China (Name/ Address & Telephone) 1、 上述各項中所提出的情況是真實無誤的. A、All the information given in this form is true and correct. 2、 中國學習期間遵守中國政府的法律和學校的規定. 申請人保證 B、I shall abide by the laws of the P.R.C and the regulations of the Institute. I hereby affirm that: 3、按时缴纳学校规定的学生应该缴纳的各项费用。 C、I will pay all expenses regulated by the University in time. 申請日期: 年 月 日 申請人簽名: Date: Year Month Day Signature of Applicant: A. 请如实填写申请表并准备下列有关材料 A. The applicant should faithfully fill in the Application Form and prepare the following documents: 1. 非学历生/ Non-degree Students ①学历证书:本人最后学历证书的复印件或高中或大学在校学习证明/Academic diploma: A copy of the applicant’s latest academic diploma or confirmation of enrollment in high school or university. ②申请者护照首页的复印件/A copy of the applicant’s passport (the page with applicant’s photo.). 2. 学历生/ Degree Students ①学历证书:本人最后学历证书的复印件或大学在校学习证明/Academic diploma: A copy of the applicant’s latest academic diploma or confirmation of enrollment in high school or university. ②成绩单:本人最后学历成绩单的复印件(经发证机关认证)/Academic record: The notarized copy of the academic records. ③申请者护照首页的复印件/A copy of the applicant’s passport (the page with applicant’s photo). 3. 凡在中国其他正规学校学习的人员申请来我校学习,还应提供/ More documents are required for those who are studying in another Chinese institution: ① 所在院校留学生办公室的转学同意信 (必须加盖公章)/ A stamped approval letter from the Foreign Students’ Office of the current hosting institution. ② 在华有效签证或居留证复印件/ A copy of the valid visa or Residence Permit in China. B. 请于报名截止时间前将填写好的申请表和其他材料邮寄、传真或扫描后以电子邮件发送至: B. Please send the filled Application Form and other required documents by surface mail, fax or email to: 中国·南京市雨花台区铁心桥龙西路10号 邮编:210012 三江大学国际教育学院 Institution of International Education Sanjiang University 10 Longxi Road, Tie Xin Qiao, Yuhua District, Nanjing , P. R. China 210012 电话/Tel:+86-25-52354928;+86-25-52897027 传真/Fax:+86-25-52354928 E-mail: C. 收到您完整的申请材料,经审查合格后,我们将在两个月内寄发《入学通知书》和《来华签证申请表》(JW202) C. On receiving your complete application documents, we will send you both the Admission Notice and Visa Application for Study in China (JW202) within two months by surface mail。
