2022 年度安徽省自然科学奖提名项目公示 一、项目名称:几类随机过程的极限性质及渐近性分析 二、提名者:巢湖学院 三、主要发明论文 1、Peng Weicai, et al, 2015. Strong law of large numbers for Markov chains indexed by spherically symmetric trees. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 29(3), pp.473-481. 2 、 Peng, W. and Xi, X., 2021. Shannon-McMillan theorem and strong law of large numbers for Markov chains indexed by generalized spherically symmetric trees. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods, pp.1-12. 3 、 Peng, W., 2017. Conditional entropy, entropy density, and strong law of large numbers for generalized controlled tree-indexed Markov chains. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(23), pp.11880-11891. 4、Tang, Xufei et al, 2020. The Berry-Esseen bound of a wavelet estimator in non-randomly designed nonparametric regression model based on ANA errors. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 24, pp.21-38. 5、Tang, Xufei et al, 2019. Exponential inequalities under sub-linear expectations with applications to strong 几类随机过程的极限性质及渐近性分析 law of large numbers. Filomat, 33(10), pp.2951-2961. 四、主要完成人:彭维才,唐徐飞 五、主要完成单位:巢湖学院 巢湖学院 2022 年 9 月 28 日