Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Head Office Veterinary Medical University Vienna Veterinaerplatz 1 A-1210 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 25077 4204 eurasiapacific@vetmeduni.ac.at Vienna, 21st 12 2018 Dear Eurasia-Pacific Member Institution Representative, As in the years before, Eurasia-Pacific Uninet is providing fellowships for Chinese and Mongolian PhD and post doc students from its member institutions. These fellowships are called Ernst Mach Grant-Eurasia-Pacific Uninet. The information on these grants is enclosed and also can be found on our website: https://grants.at/en/?=MjQ0NDBfMjU3NjVfMA== PLEASE NOTE: starting this year, EPU scholarship applicants required to provide the following language certificate. (Please refer to the website for more information.) • English B2 or • German C1 Deadline for application is the 15th March 2019, 24:00 (CET+1) Same as before these applications will be going through your offices and require your approval. We therefore ask you for your kind assistance in promoting and communicating this information to interested candidates. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If there are any open questions please contact us. We as well look forward to any contributions and comments from your side. With kind regards and best wishes, Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Rausch EPU President Eurasia Pacific Uninet Head Office Veterinary Medical University Vienna Veterinaerplatz 1 A-1210 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 25077 4204 eurasiapacific@vetmeduni.ac.at 维也纳, 6/23/2024 亲爱的联盟成员, 欧亚太平洋学术协会(EPU)自成立至今,每年都会为中国和蒙古国的在校博士及博 士后提供奖学金赴奥学习交流。非常高兴地通知大家,2019 上半年奖学金申请工作已 经开始了。 关于此次奖学金申请的细节,请浏览我们的网址或者直接点击以下链接进行了解: https://grants.at/en/?=MjQ0NDBfMjU3NjVfMA== 请注意的是从今年开始,EPU 的奖学金申者需提供如下语言证明(二选一): • 英语 B2 水平 或 • 德语 C1 水平 今年上半年的网上申请将截止于 2019 年 3 月 15 日 24 点,届时网上申请通道将关闭。 请您通知符合条件的本校师生提前准备申请所需材料,欢迎贵校的师生积极参与。和 往年一样,贵校所有的申请人需要通过贵校的审核并提供一封贵校的推荐信,其他所 需材料详情于奖学金申报平台有详细的说明。(一切信息以网站英文介绍为准!) 感谢您积极配合我们的工作,如有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 EPU 全体工作人员祝您圣诞、新年快乐。 Wolf-Dieter Rausch 教授 欧亚太平洋学术协会主席 欧亚太平洋学术协会 奥地利维也纳兽医大学广场 1 号,A-1210 电话:0043 1 25077 4209 手机:0043 676 4966621 eurasiapacific@vetmeduni.ac.at http://www.eurasiapacific.info