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附件: 山东省科学技术厅 关于组织申报山东省优秀青年科学基金 项目(海外)的通知 各市科技局,各高等院校、科研院所,各有关单位: 为进一步完善科学基金人才资助体系,充分发挥科学基 金引进和培养人才的功能,吸引海外优秀青年人才来鲁工作, 自 2021 年起,设立山东省优秀青年科学基金项目(海外) (简称山东省海外优青项目)。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、项目定位 山东省海外优青项目旨在吸引和鼓励在自然科学、工程 技术等方面已取得较好成绩的海外优秀青年学者(含非华裔 外籍人才)来鲁工作,自主选择研究方向开展创新性研究, 培养一批具有国际竞争力的青年科技人才,为加快实施科教 强鲁、人才兴鲁战略贡献力量。 二、资助模式 1.资助强度:60 万元。 2.资助期限:3 年。 三、申请人条件 1.申请人应当具备以下条件: (1)遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的科学 道德,取得的科研或技术等成果产权清晰,自觉践行新时代 科学家精神; (2)年龄不超过 40 周岁; (3)具有博士学位; (4)研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术等; (5)一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获 得正式教学或者科研职位,且具有连续 24 个月以上工作经 历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工 作年限要求; (6)取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有 成为该领域学术带头人或领军人才的发展潜力; (7)申请人尚未全职回国(来鲁)工作,或者 2020 年 1 月 1 日以后回国(来鲁)工作。获资助通知后须辞去海外 工作或在海外无工作,全职来鲁工作不少于 3 年。 (8)申请人依托单位须为山东省行政区划范围内的高 等院校、科研院所和省级备案的新型研发机构。 2.限项要求 (1)山东省海外优青项目执行山东省自然科学基金优 秀青年基金项目的限项要求。 (2)当年申请或正在承担山东省自然科学基金优秀青 年基金项目的不得申请山东省海外优青项目。 四、申请方式及时间 1. 山 东 省 海 外 优 青 项 目 通 过 山 东 省 科 技 云 平 台 (在线填报,使用省政府统一服务 门户注册的个人账号进行网上申报。申报系统将于 2021 年 5 月 31 日以后开放。 2.符合条件的申请人,可按照申报通知要求,与依托单 位签订工作合同或者意向性协议,于 2021 年 6 月 1 日 9:00 至 6 月 30 日 16:00(首批申报时间),登录山东省科技云平 台(在线填报。申请人对所提交申 请材料的真实性负责。 3.山东省海外优青项目实行无纸化申请方式,申请人在 线提交电子申请书及附件、公正性承诺书等材料至依托单位, 由依托单位审核后提交至各市科技局,各市科技局推荐至省 科技厅,其中省属单位、中央驻鲁单位直接推荐至省科技厅。 依托单位审核提交及各市科技局推荐截止时间为 2021 年 7 月 5 日 16:00(首批推荐截止时间)。依托单位应认真组织申 请工作,并保证申请材料的真实性、完整性及合规性。 4.依托山东省行政区划范围内的用人单位申请国家自然 科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)、进入最后评审阶 段未获立项的,且符合山东省海外优青项目申请人条件,并 按程序提交申请书及有关证明材料后,可直接给予山东省海 外优青项目支持。 5.自通知印发之日起,常态化开展省海外优青申请评定 工作,申请人年龄按遴选年 7 月 1 日计算。 五、联系方式 业务咨询电话:0531-66777056 技术支持电话:0531-66777094 山东省科学技术厅 2021 年 5 月 12 日 (此件公开发布) Science Fundation Program Guidelines for Distinguished Young Scholars of the Shandong Province (Overseas) In order to attract outstanding young talents from overseas to work in Shandong, the Science Foundation Program for Distinguished Young Scholars of Shandong (Overseas) (hereinafter referred to as The Program) has been established since 2021. Program Positioning The Program aims to attract and encourage outstanding young scholars from overseas (including non-Chinese foreign talents) who have made certain achievements in natural science, engineering and technology to work in Shandong, carry out innovative research in independently-chosen research fields and directions, cultivate a number of internationally-competitive young scientific and technological talents and contribute to the acceleration of the realization of the strategies of invigorating Shandong through science and education and strengthening Shandong through attracting talents. Funding Model Funding amount: ¥ 600,000. Funding period: 3 years. Applicant Requirements Applicants of The Program should meet the following conditions: 1. Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, have uncontroversial achievements and properties in scientific or technological research, and consciously practice the spirit of scientists in the new era; 2. Aged no more than 40; 3. Have a doctorate degree; 4. The research direction is mainly in natural science, engineering technology, etc.; 5. The applicant should have obtained a formal teaching or research position at an overseas university, scientific research institution, or corporate research and development institution, and have more than 24 months of continuous work experience; for those who have obtained a doctorate degree overseas and have particularly outstanding performance, the restriction of work experience can be appropriately relaxed; 6. The applicant shall have obtained the achievement of scientific research or technology and other achievements recognized by peer experts, and have the potential of becoming an academic leader or outstanding talent in related fields; 7. The applicant has not yet returned to work in China (to Shandong) on a full-time basis, or returned (came) to work in China (to Shandong) after January 1, 2020. The applicant must resign from the overseas work or have no labor relation overseas after being notified of the grant of funding and return (come) to work on a full-time basis in Shandong for at least 3 years. 8. The supporting institution should be universities, scientific research institutions or provincially-filed new R&D institutions within the scope of administrative divisions of Shandong. Application Instructions 1. Eligible applicants can sign a work contract or an agreement of intent with supporting institutions according to the requirements of the program guidelines, and log in the Science and Technology Cloud Platform of Shandong Province for online filling-out from 9:00 am on June 1, 2021 to 4:00 pm on June 30, 2021 (first round of application). Applicants are responsible for the authenticity of the submitted application materials. 2. For Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Overseas) applicants whose application has entered the final review phase but not been approved, if above-mentioned Applicant Requirements are met and the applicant's supporting institution is within the scope of administrative divisions of Shandong, after submitting the application and relevant proof materials according to the procedure, the applicant can be provided funding support directly. 3. From the date of issuance of this notice, the applications and evaluations of The Program operate regularly. The age of the applicant is calculated according to July 1 of the year of selection. Contact Information Tel. +86-531-66777092 E-mail: Technical support:+86-531-66777094
