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2019 IEF Conference on Financial and Economic Development in China 2019 南京审计大学经济与金融研究院中国金融与经济发展 研讨会 Conference Program 会议议程 April 19, 2019, Nanjing 2019 年 4 月 19 日,南京 Organizer: Institute of Economics and Finance, Nanjing Audit University 南京审计大学经济与金融研究院 Co-organizers: School of Finance, Nanjing Audit University 南京审计大学金融学院 Department of Research, Nanjing Audit University 南京审计大学科研部 1. Program Overview Minxing 08:00-08:30 Register Building 102 Opening Ceremony Time:08: 30 - 09: 45 Chair: Dr. Xuan Zhang Nanjing Audit University Opening speech of the conference,Dr. 08:30-08:35 Huanxiu Guo, Institute of Economics and Finance, Nanjing Audit University Welcome 08:35-08:45 vice Address, Prof. Anping Yu, president of Nanjing Audit University Journal Editor Address, Prof. Sushanta 08:45-09:15 Minxing Building 102 Mallick, Queen Mary University of London 09:15-09:45 Group Photo Keynote Speech Time:09: 45 - 11: 30 Chair: Dr. Xuan Zhang Nanjing Audit University Keynote speech by Prof. Xiaping Cao, 9:45-10:35 Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University Keynote speech by Prof. Shenghao 10:40-11:30 Zhu, University of International Minxing Building 102 Business and Economics 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China 2 Lunch Time:11: 30 - 13: 00 Location: Qinyuan Dinning Hall Plenary Session of Finance Time:13 : 00—14 : 45 Section 1: Credit, Banking & New Structural Financial Economics Chair: Jiajun Xu, Peking University Markdown Problems with Heterogeneous Strategic 1. Yichao Yuan, Kuiran Consumers Purchasing and Shi Returning Behavior 2.Xiangxiang Lang, Why Issuers Switch to A Yanan Tian, Guotai Chi, Different Rating Agency? Zhe Peng The Maturity Elongation Role 3. Alfredo Schclarek, of National Development Jiajun Xu, Jianye Yan Banks Optimal Loan Disbursement 4. Jiajun Xu, Pengcheng Structure for Resource Song, Xinshun Ru Financed Infrastructure Section 2: Corporate Finance, Volatility Minda Building 301 Chair: Yukun Shi, University of Glasgow 1. Zili Su, Constantinos Alexiou, Yu Liu 2. Han Gao, Liao Xu, Yukun Shi, Yang Zhao 3. Xindong Zhang, Meifeng Zou Equity Incentive Schemes, Investor Protection and Corporate Performance: Evidence from China The Heterogeneous VolumeVolatility Association in the Chinese ETF Market Supplier concentration, financial constraint and customer cash holding 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China Minda Building 302 3 A URC bridged CDS implied volatility and associated trading strategies 4. Yukun Shi Section 3: Fintech & Information Chair: Lanlan Liu, Nanjing Audit University Does Chinese investors ’ 1. Conghui Chen, attention affect the Bitcoin Lanlan Liu, Fei Wu market? Can Relationship Lending 2. Ronghua Luo, Survive FinTech Shuang Zhao Development? Media reinforcement effect of stock market: The strong will 3. Qin Yu, Bing Zhang be ever strong or flourishing and declining? Contagion effect, Information Asymmetry and the Pricing of 4. Jian Ke, Louis Murray, Equities in an Emerging Liming Wang Market: The Case of the Chinese Stock Market Minda Building 303 Section 4: Government Policy & Financial Participant in China Chair: Yuchao Peng, Central University of Finance and Economics 1. Xiaping Cao, Xiaoming Wang, Zhenyi Yang, Sili Zhou 2. Julan Du, Song Zhan 3. Jianjun Li, Juncheng Li, Yuchao Peng 4. Huichun Huang, Junli Yuan, Guanghua Lin, Jing Chi The Governance Effect of the Site Inspections by CCDI on Corporations in china Centralization and Decentralization in China: Evidence from National Mergers and Acquisitions Toward the fourth profit source : Belt and Road Initiatives, transaction cost and oversea business performance1 Underestimation of financial Literacy and financial market participation 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China Minda Building 307 4 Section 5: Chinese Stock Market Chair: Xinxin Ma, University of Glasgow The Intrinsic Value Effect on 1. Xinxin Ma China Security Market 2. Yang Wenjun, Zhao Insider Trading in China: A Jing, Mao Yixuan, Conceptual Analysis Yezhou Sha 3. Hung-Wen Lin, JingMomentum Portfolio Bo Huang, Joyce Zhang, Dislocation and Excess Media Kun-Ben Lin, Xia-Ping Coverage in China Cao Investor Sentiment, Speculative Bubble-Evidence 4. Yarong Hao, Bin from Analyst Dong Recommendation Revision with No Fundamental News Section 6: Minda Building 309 Futures & Mutual Funds Chair: Yongmin Zhang, Ningbo University Liquidity Effects on Price Co1. Shusheng Ding, integration in Commodity Yongmin Zhang Futures Markets. The Performance and Performance Persistence of 2. Jinhua Zhang, Guipu Foreign Equity Mutual Funds Wang, Cheng Yan in China Which is the best: A comparison of asset pricing 3. Ran Gao, Yezhou Sha factor models in Chinese mutual fund industry Coffee Break Minda Building 310 Time:14 : 45—15 : 00 Plenary Session of Economics Time:15 : 00—16 : 45 Section 7: Economic Modeling & Tax System 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China 5 Chair: Wenjie Wei, Nanjing Audit University 1.Xi Wan, Wenjie Wei Airport slot auction when airlines have market power 2. Parimal Bag, Peng Wang Hierarchical Communication and Managerial Incentives 3. Fei Peng, Huaqing Wu, Yanrui Wu, Xing Shi 4. Jianjun Li, Xuan Wang, Yaping Wu Section 8: VAT Pilot Expansion and Firm Upgrading: Evidence from China Information and Tax Compliance: Evidence from China’s Golden Tax Project III Minda Building 301 Energy, Environment & Health Chair: The Hukou Household Registration System and 1. Ding Li, Jiancheng Residents’ Willingness to Pay Wang, Shuang Ma for Environmental Protection in China Decomposing the Rebound 2. Jiandong Chen, Ming Effect into Substitution Effect Gao, Wenxuan Hou, and Output Effect--Based on Ding Li the Slutsky Equation Minda Accounting for Horizontal Building Inequity in the Delivery of 3.Guangchuan Zhao, 302 Health Care in China: A Xinbang Cao, Chao Ma Shapley Value Decomposition Approach How Does the Implementation of the New 4. Genwen Zhang, Environmental Protection Law Chaoyang Fang, Kedong Affect the Stock Price of Shu, Wangfei Zhang, Heavily Polluting Enterprises? Qiong Wang Evidence from China’s Capital Market Section 9: Chinese Macroeconomy Chair: Ding Liu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Minda Commitment or Discretion? 1.Ding Liu Building An Empirical Investigation of 303 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China 6 Monetary Policy Preferences in China 2. Zixiang Zhu, Xiang Deng, Xiang Cheng Economic Downturn Certain Manner 3.Ningru Zhao Aggregate Labor Market Fluctuations under News Shocks Section 10: in a International Market & Trade Chair: Yuan Tian, Nanjing Audit University 1. Fang Zheng, Xiong Zhou, Xujuan Zhou, Raj Gururajan, KC Chan, Enxing Zhou 2. Vinh Q.T. Dang, Erin P.K. So, Alan Yu Yang 3.Meng-Wei Chen, Cuicui Lu, Yuan Tian Spatial Econometric Study on Economic Convergence of Agricultural Products Logistics in China under the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy China and International Market Integration: Evidence from the Law of One Price in the Middle East and Africa Minda Building 307 Product Quality and Exchange rate Pass Through: The Role of Credit Constraints Section 11: Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment Chair: Zilong Wang, University of Cambridge Can Chinese Aid Win the 1. Zhicheng Xu, Yu Hearts and Minds of the Local Zhang Population in Africa? Economic policy uncertainty Minda 2. Yechi Ma, Zilong and choice of foreign direct Building Wang, Xiaobo Xu, Li investment mode: Evidence 309 Zhang from China Estimating the Ex-ante and 3. Donatella Baiardi, the Ex-post Effects of Chinese Valeria Gattai, Outward FDI Piergiovanna Natale 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China 7 OFDI decision and taxation 4. Chengrui Xiao, Linhan enviornment: evidence from Zhang China Section 12: Firm & Productivity Chair: Xiandeng Jiang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 1. Dongmin Kong, Xu Cheng, Xiandeng Jiang Political Promotion and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China 2. Fei Su, Xu Feng Limited Attention and Asymmetric Overnight Return Puzzle in Chinese Stock Markets 3. Xiuli Sun, Cuicui Lu Managers, Market Environment, and Productivity: Evidence from China 4. Langchuan Peng, Xi Wang, Shanshan Ying The Heterogeneity of Beauty Premium in China: Evidence from CFPS 2019 IEF conference on Financial and Economic Development in China Minda Building 310 8
