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附件 1 2017 Workshop of CAMS Initiative for Innovative Medicine on Tumor Immunology 医学创新工程——2017 肿瘤、免疫研讨会 会议日程 5 月 11 日 参会专家、参会代表注册、报到 5 月 12 日 8:30-8:35 开幕式 8:35-8:45 主席致辞及合影 8:45-9:30 曹雪涛教授报告 题目:Tumor Immunology. 9:30-10:15 邹伟平教授报告 题目:Metabolic Control of Immune Cell Subsets in the Tumor Microenvironment. 10:15-10:30 Short Talk 1 花芳 题 目 : Targeting Protein Degradation of Tumour-promoting Factors as a Therapeutic Strategy of Cancer. 10:30-10:50 茶歇 10:50-11:35 汪宁教授报告 题目:Chromatin as a Mechanosensor in Gene Expression and Mechanobiomedicine. 11:35-11:50Short Talk 2 刘玉英 题 目 : Blockade of IDO-kynurenine-AhR Metabolic Circuitry AbrogatesIFN--induced Immunologic Dormancy of Tumor-repopulating Cells. 11:50-13:00 午餐 13:00-13:45 黄波教授报告 题目:Cancer: New Concepts and Strategies. 13:45-14:30 万永红教授报告 题目:Enhancing Anti-tumour Immunity with Oncolytic Vaccines. 14:30-14:45 Short Talk 3 崔冰 题目:Cirmtuzumab, A New Tool of Cancer Specific Treatment. 14:45-15:00 Short Talk 4 李珂 题 目 : TRIB3 Promotes APL Progression through Stabilization of the Oncoprotein PML-RARa and Inhibition of p53-Mediated Senescence. 15:00-15:20 茶歇 15:20-16:05 Yao-He Wang 教授报告 题目:A Novel Prophylactic Cancer Vaccine Platform for Non-viral Malignancies. 16:05-16:50 李平平教授报告 题 目 : Inflammation and Insulin Resistance- Galectin 3: New Sight into Inflammation Induced Insulin Resistance. 16:50-17:05 Short Talk 5 张晓伟 题目:Targeting the Trib3/p62 Interaction Ameliorates Hepatic Fibrosis by Restoring the IL17A/STAT3-suppressed Autophagy of Hepatocytes. 17:05-17:20 Short Talk 6 吕晓希 题目:Stress Response Protein TRIB3 Promotes the Development of Pulmonary Fibrosis by Suppressing UPS-mediated Slug Degradation. 17:20-17:30 闭幕式 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所 2017-04-26
