二零一二年度「亞洲政治經濟學中心」暑期課程 Asia Institute for Political Economy Summer Academic Program 2012 簡介 獲 “The Fund for American Studies” 基 金 贊 助 , 由 香 港 大 學 經 濟 金 融 學 院 及 美 國 Georgetown 大學聯合主辦的二零一二年度「亞洲政治經濟學中心」暑期課程現正接受報名。 本課程旨在讓美國及亞洲各國學生聚首一堂,共同學習及探討當代政治、經濟及世界貿易發 展等熱門課題。是次課程將於 2012 年 7 月 6 日至 7 月 28 日在香港大學舉行,由來自美國及 香港的資深教授和經濟學專家授課。除課堂外,同學將有機會參加不同形式的研討會及文化 交流活動。課程的對象為在美國及亞洲各大學主修經濟、法律、公共行政、政治及管理之高 年級學生,各同學並需擁有良好的英語能力。有關是次課程的詳細資料,可瀏覽網頁 http://www.tfasinternational.org/aipe/。 費用 本暑期課程費用為美金 3,500 元,費用已包括三週的學費及食宿費。獲錄取的內地學生 將獲香港大學經濟金融學院及基金會資助全數課程費用。同學另需支付來往香港之交通費用、 簽證費用(約港幣 800 元正)及在港期間的個人開支等。 獲錄取的同學需於開課前繳交簽證及課程費用,而獲全數學費資助的同學亦需繳交美金 200 元的押金。該押金將待同學來港修畢課程後退還。詳細安排將另行通知獲錄取的同學。 報名程式 有興趣的同學請把填好的報名表格連同所需資料於 2012 年 2 月 24 日前直接郵寄至香港 大學上海辦事處,地址如下: HKU Shanghai Study Centre, No. 298, North Suzhou Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai 上海市虹口區北蘇州路 298 號 郵編: 200085 (Please mark “Application for AIPE 2012” on the envelop) 港大擬於 2012 年 3 月初至 3 月中委派人員陪同基金會代表於香港、北京及上海進行面試, 確實行程有待公佈。 報名的同學需遞交以下申請資料 (英文版本): 1 1) 報名表格 2) 個人簡歷 3) 彩色証件照片 2 張 4) 英語能力證明 (如 TOEFL 或 IELTS 成績、有關證書或英語老師推薦信等) 5) 大學成績表 (正本) 6) 教授推薦信 (正本) 7) 學生的財政狀況及所需資助金額的聲明 8) 論文 1 – 題目: “A typed statement of purpose not to exceed 500 words stating your career goals and how the Institute will enhance your personal and professional skills in achieving these goals.” 2 9) 論文 2 –題目: Instructions: Please read the following passage from Douglas A. Irwin’s essay “A Brief History of International Trade,” and answer the questions below. The maximum length of the essay is 750 words. In his article, "A Brief History of International Trade Policy," Douglas A. Irwin states, Since the time of the ancient Greek philosophers, there has been a dual view of trade: a recognition of the benefits of international exchange combined with a concern that certain domestic industries (or laborers, or culture) would be harmed by foreign competition. Depending upon the weights put on the overall gains from trade or on the losses of those harmed by imports, different analysts have arrived at different conclusions about the desirability of having free trade. Although economists have consistently stressed the overall gains from international trade, and in recent years have stressed the measurement of those gains, the debate over trade policy is a never ending one. When it comes to free trade, as Adam Smith once opined, "Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it." Douglas A. Irwin, "A Brief History of International Trade Policy." November 26, 2001. Library of Economics and Liberty. (http://www.econlib.org:80/library/Columns/Irwintrade.html) Questions: What do you think about free trade? Do the overall gains from trade outweigh the losses suffered by certain domestic industries? Use some examples from your country or another country in Asia to illustrate your argument. 查詢 電話:86-21-63077018 / 63079018 傳真:86-21-63078968 電郵:aipe_mainland@hku.hk 網頁:http://www.sef.hku.hk / http://www.tfasinternational.org/aipe/ 3