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« Groupe ISCAE » Presentation “Groupe ISCAE”, the first Moroccan Business School, was created in 1971 to answer a growing need for high executives expressed by Moroccan enterprises. “Groupe ISCAE”, a public institution is considered as a civil body with financial autonomy. “Groupe ISCAE” is supervised by the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The Board of Directors includes the Ministry of Trade and Industry (President), the Minister of Higher Education, the Minister of Finance, the President of Moroccan Confederation of Enterprises, President of 3 big Public Enterprises and 3 big Private Companies, the Dean of University Hassan II, the Presidents of the advisory council of casablanca and rabat regions, President of chambers of Trade and Industry’s federation, the CEO of “Groupe ISCAE” and 3 Professors elected by the professoral corps. The “Groupe ISCAE” includes:  ISCAE – Casablanca,  ISCAE – Rabat : since 1995, ISCAE opened an annex in Rabat offering most of the programs offered in Casablanca,  ISCAE – Conakry (Guinea), created in 2002.  ISCAE – Fes, that will open in 2015-2016. Programme • • • • • • Academic Training Doctorate School “Grande Ecole” (Post Graduate Program that delivers Groupe ISCAE’s Diploma / Grade Master). Chartered Accounting Program Executive MBA Master with dual degree : Management of cities and territories Accounting, Auditing and Management Control Human Resources Management Finance Public Management Corporate Law International Business Marketing Marketing and Communication Sports Management Global Purchasing and Logistics. • • • Executive Training Customized inter and intra enterprise programs. Certificates of specialization and further Education Programs. • Distance Learning in Public Accounting with CNAM – INTEC Academic Calendar Calendar Fall Semester Spring Semester Application May 1st – June 1st October 1st – November 1st Admission June 15th November 15th Semester Begins September 22nd January 12th Classes End January 10th May 16th Transcript to be sent Late January Late July Early February Fast Facts  Exchange levels: Postgraduate (2nd and 3rd year), undergraduate (1st year)  Language of study: English, French and Arabic  Language requirement: none  Group’s website:  Length of exchange: semester or academic year Main Study Field  Corporate Finance;  Auditing, Accounting and controlling ;  Market Finance;  Marketing;  Human Resources Management. Accreditation - "Groupe ISCAE" is a member of EFMD, AMBA, AACSB and AUF. - The Group has embarked on an ambitious process of certification of the educationalsystem as EQUIS, AACSB and EPAS standards. - The accreditation of the Executive MBA of Groupe ISCAE process officially startedin April 2010 and is currently at the final step of Evaluation : - The administration’s activities are certified ISO 9001v2008. Grading System The grading system in Groupe ISCAE proceeds by modules system which is a unit of studythat contains from one to three subjects, the grade is a GPA of the different evaluations duringthe semester. The module is considered validated if its grade is equal or above 10/20, and none ofsubjects affiliated to the module is under 7/20. The semester can be acquired by compensation if the student validates the semester ofthe concerned module. N.B: If the student fails at first session, a second session is organized. Semester is considered succeeded if the GPA of the entire modules is equal or above 10/20,and none of modules is under 8/20. Ranking “Groupe ISCAE” participated in the third edition of EDUNIVERSAL GLOBAL RANKING of the best 4000 Masters and MBA in 30 specializations, The results were as followed: 1. Application Requirements: Students who wish to study in “Groupe ISCAE” for a semester or a year must fill the following application: GROUPE INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE COMMERCE ET D’ADMINISTRATION DES ENTREPRISES SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION : o Latest school report Please mark the chosen subjects • (*) S1 : Fall Semester / year one of grande ecole (third undergraduate) • (*) S2 : Spring semester / year one of grande Ecole (third undergraduate) • (*) S3 : Fall semester /year one of Master degree • (*) S4 : Spring semester/year one of Master degree • (*) S5 : Fall semester /year two of Master Degree • (*) S6 : Spring semester / internship If you are seeking an under grade degree, you may register for any of the S1, S2, S3 and S4 courses, even if some are post graduate level. If you are seeking a graduate degree, you are recommended that you register for S3, S4 and S5 courses. In general, exchange students coming to ISCAE choose 4 business related course and 2 courses related to French language, Arabic language or introduction to Moroccan/Arabic culture and Economy. PROCEEDINGS OF TRANSMISSION: Request to be forwarded by the institution by mail + 01 copy by email to : Monsieur Mohamed EL MOUEFFAK, Directeur Général du Groupe ISCAE Samira ALAOUI, Directrice des Relations Internationales et de Communication-PI Km 9,5 Route de Nouasseur B.P. 8114 Casa-Oasis E-mail : and Tél : 00 212 5 22 33 54 92 Fax : 00 212 5 22 33 54 96 2. Other Information Accommodation • In campus housing, double rooms, for two students : 500 MAD per person, per month • Insurance Fees : 100 MAD Per Person by Semester • Library Expenses : 100 MAD per Person by Semester • Restaurant Expenses : 50 MAD for the access pass, per Person/Semester • Meal Expenses: 25 MAD Per Day ( Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), It’s a symbolic Price. • Other Loads (Power, Water...): 150 MAD by Semester/person. • Internet : Free WiFi • Extra (excursions, visits or personal expenses) : an estimated amount of 10 000 to 12500 MAD per semester. This is a suggestion and not an obligation.
