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2014 年春季硕士学位论文答辩 时间:2014 年 5 月 23 日上午 9:40 地点:敏行楼 207 答辩人:2012 级利比里亚 MAUD 留学研究生 学号 英文名 姓名 MZ1210001 Vinnette Candle Doe 杜薇 MZ1210002 Lenin Tunder Dwana 段乐宁 MZ1210003 Emmanuel Mccarthy Williams 卫恩 MZ1210004 Gabriel M. Tarbleh 陶加瑞 MZ1210005 Jasper Tamba Chouwoe Morris V. Karvah governance in Liberia Real Time Audit in Public Sector Project Supported by International Financial Institution case study of China’s Local Governments’ Debt Problem Government Auditing strengthen public financial management:Base on Liberia The Possibilities and Needs to Introduce Economic 周杰朋 Accountability Audit in the SAI of the Republic of Liberia Comparative Study on Public Sector ’ s Internal Auditing: Liberia-China Scenarios 柯锐思 Study on Government auditing using CAATTS in Liberia 文飞 Performance audit: Chinese experience and its implications for Liberia Francis Yelleh MZ1210009 Wallace MZ1210010 The General auditing commission and public sector The Role of Audit in Public Debt Management: A MZ1210006 Bedee N. Kanneh 康白迪 MZ1210008 论文题目 Charlotte Pearson Weah 韦莎 Corporate Energy Management System Design based on Market Competitiveness and Environmental Performance – An Effective tool for Energy Audit 答辩委员会 主任:阚京华 成员:黄溶冰、张文秀、剧杰 陈汤寅
