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南京审计学院 Nanjing Audit University 研究生在读证明 兹有 (男/女), 年 读硕士研究生,学号为: 就读于 将于 月 。该生自 学院 年 日出生,为我校在 年 月入学, 专业,学制 年, 月毕业。我校是中华人民共和国教育部认可的全日 制普通高等学校。 特此证明。 南京审计学院 学院 年 月 日 Education Certificate This is to certify that on (male/female), born (day/month/year), is now studying in a -year master’s program at Nanjing Audit University and his/her student number is majoring in .He/She has been enrolled in the School of __________, from (day/month/year) to present and will be awarded the certificate of graduation in (day/month/year). Nanjing Audit University is a full- time institution of higher learning approved by the Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China. School of of NAU Date: (day/month/year) 地址 Add:江苏省南京市浦口区雨山西路 86 号(211815) No. 86, West Yushan Road, Pukou District, Nanjing 211815, P. R. CHINA 网址 Website:http//
